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Academic excellence

Strong reputation for academic achievement and quality education.


Variety of courses and programs that align with interests and career goals.

Qualified Teachers

Experienced and dedicated teachers who provide guidance and mentorship.

Sports & Co-curricular Activities

Challange... Fight... Soar.

Why Bidya Bharati?

Student Centered Learning

Skilled Coaches / Trainers

Safety and Wellbeing of Students

Quality Education

Activity Based Curriculum

Sports & Physical Activities

Audio Visual Learning

Parent Engagement

Easy Communication Channels

Ethos of Bidya Bharati Girls'
High School

Knowledge Imparts Humility

From Principal's Desk

My dear Students,
My heartfelt love and best wishes to you all.
Please remember that life is a continuous struggle for perfection. The process of learning helps you to overcome the struggle and achieve the goal. But, for this you must develop a calm and steady mind. Try to follow the advice and instructions which you receive from your teachers with utmost sincerity. A teacher can only repeat, remind, inspire instruct and guide you, but it is only you who will have to march forward with su....

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